Simple Tips for Keeping Your Phone in Top Shape

There is no denial in the fact that our smartphones are a huge investment that we make. Even after  the exciting offers and so claimed Best Deals on Mobiles, these little devices do end up costing quite a lot! So it is nothing but a given that we should try and hold on to them for as long as possible and get our money’s full worth out of it. However, we end up using these devices so frequently, that they end up getting a little bogged down and ultimately just break down! So what can be done?


Worry not, because this article is here to give you some tips and tricks as to how you can keep your phone in top shape even after having and using it for a while!

  1. Take care of the outside!

Avoid getting bumps and scratches on the screen or exterior of your phone as it may give it a look of an old worn out phone even if you just bought it yesterday. To avoid them, make sure you get a proper cover and screen guard for your phone. This is especially important if you are using one of those trendy touch phones! Bumping your phone onto different sorts of things not just damage it from the outside, but may also cause internal problems for your phone! So make sure you take care of your device!

  1. Get the right phone!

This is a really important point that a lot of people do not even think of, more often than not. It is very important to avoid the local made phones (even if they come with attractive prices) and stick to the reputable brands. If price is a problem, there are always options of second hand mobiles, Refurbished products or open box sale! But stick to the reliable brands that give a brand warranty as it will be more beneficial in the long run!

  1. Choose the right place to buy it from!

With every other website claiming to give the best deals on mobiles, it may get a little confusing for you to pin down on one site! But make sure you look around and do your research well before selecting on where to buy your gadget from. Try to stick to the reliable websites, especially when you are buying refurbished or second hand mobiles or picking something up from the open box sale! Trust the website only if they give out all the details of the condition of the phone and promote complete transparency.

  1. Take care of the inside!

You phone may look impeccable from the outside but if you do not maintain it well enough from within, it will go down sooner than you think! Small things like updating the software, deleting unused applications can contribute to your phone’s life in a huge way. They not just make sure that the device functions smoothly without hanging every two minutes but also keep up your phone with the latest advancements!

Overall, just use your phone with the same amount of love and care as you did when you first got it and it should be fine! Also, it is always a good idea to have a regular maintenance routine that includes cleaning the phone from top to bottom and inside out. This way, you can ensure that your phone will last longer, look better, and perform at its best!

Why Cheapest Mobile Phones are Better In Life Than Costly Ones?

Smartphones have been getting smarter by the day. Every manufacturer is in the race of launching newer models, advanced versions and better products to their consumers. However, if you really look at it, most newer models launched by same company in the last year or so do not really have ‘innovative’ leaps in their products. The real difference between consecutive models is marginal yet the pricing gaps are high. This forces us to think whether buying newer and more expensive phones is worth the money? Or should a consumer be happy with the cheaper options available?

The answer to that master question is “Your True Need”.

In many cases, we just end up buying expensive phones for a whole bunch of features which we barely use. Most people use their phones for making a call, sending text messages, taking a few pics, basic use of WhatsApp and Facebook and little bit of Internet browsing. Most budget phones or cheaper phones as they are known as, comfortably let you do all of these activities. So, why pay more? Unless, you are a heavy internet surfer, gamer, heavy media user or the ‘selfie king/queen’, you really would be quite good with a cheaper/ budget smartphone variant for yourself.

What is worth remembering is that cheap necessarily doesn’t mean ‘old’. If you are looking for a cheaper mobile phone, you may not need to compromise with an older model.  The market is flooded with newer and cheaper smartphones. Gone are the days when you had to spend a fortune to buy anything beyond a basic phone. Today, most companies like Samsung, Motorola, Xiaomi, Asus, Oppo have come up with phones which have great features, excellent cameras, decent processors and yet are quite affordable. Thus, leaving no doubt in an average consumer’s mind about why he /she should spend more money for these basic things. These phones, are stylish, trending in the market and cater to most basic needs of young as well as older generation. Thus, making these cheaper mobile phones a much better deal than the expensive ones. Also, no matter how expensive a phone you buy, with the launch of the successive model, your phone just gets old in the market thereby losing its worth and that too much faster.

Lastly, the more expensive of the lot are far more fragile and high maintenance as I may call them. You are all the time scared that they might drop, their screen might crack or they may be damaged or stolen and all that means a lot more money either to get them fixed or buy another one if it is damaged beyond repair or scariest if all, are stolen! Cheap mobile phones online are easier to manage, often sturdier in body and can take those few falls in their stride. Your level of worry and stress associated with possessing these cheaper phones is far less than those compared to the owners of super expensive sets.

Having said this, expensive phones have their own place in the market and their own clientele and they are expensive for a reason. However, you should only opt for them if they do justice to your need as well as budget. Until then Cheap phones are a great way to walk in style!